does anyone know the way to use media queries?
@niamu: sorry to ping you. Just wondering regarding question above?
Like in general with CSS or specifically with garden?
I haven’t personally done that yet but give me a couple minutes and I can work it out.
I'm looking at Mesh to see if I can extract it from there. Which may help you help me 😛
I got it.
`(css (at-media {:max-width (px 600)} [:body {:background 'blue}])) "@media (max-width: 600px) {\n\n body {\n background: blue;\n }\n\n}"
yeah, that’s essentially what I was about to type.
woops lol forgot thing on end. Need to pull in from Stylesheet (at-media)
That wasn’t so hard. 😛
Figured it out anyways. But thank you for helping!
Any time