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worlds-endless 2018-01-03T16:57:43.000145Z

@reefersleep Yeah, I suppose I haven't hit the "somewhat" realtime constraint yet because my style aren't that huge just yet

worlds-endless 2018-01-03T17:08:28.000345Z

Garden can perform white-space minification for CSS. Are there any other forms of minification out there in other products? Is redundancy-minimization a thing?

reefersleep 2018-01-03T19:59:09.000025Z

I think my “somewhat” experiences are probably not due to the size of my hiccup structures. Browser reload times with figwheel generally seem a bit flaky to me. Sometimes, it turns out it’d be just as fast or faster to force a reload manually.

reefersleep 2018-01-03T20:01:23.000576Z

Haven’t done anything towards figuring out why, though 🙂 It hasn’t been bad enough to warrant the work, really.

reefersleep 2018-01-03T20:04:09.000303Z

@worlds-endless I think I saw some kind of tool that’d simplify your CSS, including coalescing redundant part.

reefersleep 2018-01-03T20:10:41.000551Z

Don’t remember what it was called and I’m unsure if it’s exactly what you need, but I think you can find, if not that tool, then a similar tool.

reefersleep 2018-01-03T20:10:51.000282Z

Seem to be some suggestions here: https://www.sitepoint.com/terrific-time-saving-css-tools/

worlds-endless 2018-01-03T20:44:07.000536Z

@reefersleep Thanks