
For all your CSS related content...
cjmurphy 2018-05-24T00:37:00.000010Z

If you are looking to co-locate your CSS with React components then Fulcro does it: http://book.fulcrologic.com/#ColocatedCSS

leontalbot 2018-05-24T09:24:24.000523Z

@cjmurphy interesting... can I use with reagent?

leontalbot 2018-05-24T09:24:38.000082Z

On the server?

cjmurphy 2018-05-24T10:00:29.000100Z

Not with Reagent, but you can use hiccup as long as it is in the render method of the component (which is just React render after all). If you are wanting a generic component (so no use of Fulcro's Om Next style state) then you could essentially just be using the CSS part of Fulcro. And users of the component would not know it is a Fulcro component as just passing in props. That's the theory anyway... And yes Fulcro does SSR, so your component could be on the server.