
Issues at:
cfleming 2020-09-09T00:13:51.054600Z

That should work. How are you saving the file in IntelliJ?

helios 2020-09-09T09:57:15.055800Z

generating stubs seems to not work for me, i’ve copied the .idea folder from another computer (just changed one). could that be the reason? where are the stubs written? Example: the stubs for datomic

helios 2020-09-09T10:00:01.056200Z

i’ve invalidated the cache and restarted, but to no avail, using intellij 2020.2 and latest EAP cursive

helios 2020-09-09T10:04:18.056800Z

nevermind, it said that my JDK was misconfigured. once i did that generating stubs worked fine