
Issues at:
cfleming 2020-11-21T05:09:58.257200Z

There isn’t out of the box right now, but I’m planning some support for this. There are a few libraries out there that do this just with def too, and I’ve planned to add support for that for a while now.

❤️ 1
cfleming 2020-11-21T05:10:27.257400Z

I’ll take a look at that macro when I fix this.

ikitommi 2020-11-21T09:55:30.262500Z

is there an easy way to edit a file inside a dependency (jar)? With emacs, you can make a buffer editable - modify the contents and reload that file into a repl: you can basically live-edit you dependencies, which is really awesome. With IDEA, can’t make the buffer/view editable. Could copy the content somewhere else and edit there, but looking for a cleaner way for this.


possibly not so helpful here, but fwiw i have some clojure code in: that extracts .clj* files from dependency jars and makes them avaiable under a .alc-id subdirectory of one's project.

cfleming 2020-11-23T04:21:03.265100Z

👍 1
Jakub Holý 2020-11-23T10:25:48.265500Z

FYI What I do is switch the repl to the ns of the file, copy-paste the fn to that file, adjust, eval. But ☝️ would be much more comfortable

mike_ananev 2020-11-23T17:56:17.273300Z

brew install mc
Just run Midnight Commander, put cursor on jar file and hit Enter. Use F4 to edit. Like in old good days..

cfleming 2020-11-23T20:55:20.273500Z

What’s been implemented is copying to a scratch file, as described in that issue:

cfleming 2020-11-23T20:55:49.273900Z

Scratch files are still a bit funky, but it seems to work pretty well.

❤️ 2
ikitommi 2020-11-21T09:55:50.262600Z

ikitommi 2020-11-21T09:57:02.263Z

not looking for any permanent changes, just ability to change what the current repl sees.

imre 2020-11-21T10:12:45.263200Z

This would be awesome. I do remember seeing an idea command to make a file editable, not sure if it helps here

cfleming 2020-11-21T10:26:53.263400Z

There isn’t, but this is something a few people have asked for. One idea I had was an action to convert a file from a jar into a scratch file, which you could then edit and send to the REPL.

👍 3
ikitommi 2020-11-21T10:41:06.263700Z

that would be great. Two big benefits: • ability to use things like #p (hashp) or tap> (with portal / reveal) from 3rd party libs • ability to try / fix small things in libs. currently working with a lot of alpha libs (many ours), which are great, but full of gaps that would be to add/fix locally in the calling project as you find them. git-sha-deps-flow simplifies things a lot, but this would allow fixes to be instant.

cfleming 2020-11-21T11:04:36.264200Z

Ok, I’ll check in the JetBrains slack how best to achieve that.