
Issues at:
cfleming 2021-02-02T01:21:00.067300Z

There isn’t anything like this at the moment, no. I have plans for complex support which will allow support for arbitrary DSLs, but that’s waiting on some internal refactoring that needs to happen first.

kari 2021-02-02T08:16:19.071700Z

I'm using Cursive 1.10.1.eap2-2020.3 / IDEA 2020.3 with paredit. There is a Kill Sexp in Structural editing. Is there an equivalent Copy Sexp ? E.g. At the moment Kill Sexp kills the Sexp: (^ = cursor)

(remove ^(fn [[k v]] (nil? v)) {455 nil 555 "asdf"})  =>  kills: (fn [[k v]] (nil? v))  (OK)
But Copy as kill :
(remove ^(fn [[k v]] (nil? v)) {455 nil 555 "asdf"})  =>  copies: (fn [[k v]] (nil? v)) {455 nil 555 "asdf"}  (copies extra {455 nil 555 "asdf"} )

kari 2021-02-03T08:23:11.078200Z

Did it:

cfleming 2021-02-02T09:47:46.071900Z

No, there isn’t at the moment. If you file an issue I’ll see about adding that, it should be straightforward.

kari 2021-02-02T13:02:32.072100Z

Ok. Thanks!

Daniel Wellman 2021-02-02T13:48:13.073600Z

Is the “Call Hierarchy” action expected to work in Cursive or is it not supported?

Daniel Wellman 2021-02-02T13:54:59.074700Z

Sorry, I meant to clarify: Does it work on Clojure functions to find the call stack of those functions?


Hi, does anyone know if it’s possible to add our own “Form parameters”? To get my indentation aligned with some others on my team (who just clj-fmt) I need to tweak the indentation for functions beginning with with-

AJ Jaro 2021-02-02T16:46:56.077200Z

Has anyone configured Code with Me to use parinfer ?

AJ Jaro 2021-02-11T21:15:50.117600Z

Ok, I only tried it the other day, but I’ll let you know if I start leaning on this tool much