
Issues at:

Hi. When using a dark background with the rainbow parenthesis bundled in Cursive, the dark blue color is difficult to see, it does not contrast enough with the dark background. Could it be possible to make it less dark?


(The human eye is more sensitive to contrast of luminosity, less to contrast of colors. Blue is the color we perceive the least)

cfleming 2021-03-25T04:35:02.092100Z

You can configure these at Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Clojure

❤️ 1

Super upper cool, thank you ! :sheepy:


#0000FF -> #7070FF

👍 1

when testing, is there any way to open the tooltip or show difference window without having to mouse over the test?


I couldn't find a keyboard shortcut or anything but it might be that I couldn't figure out the name

imre 2021-03-25T10:16:24.094400Z

I don't think there is. See


ah that's a shame, thanks for the info though

imre 2021-03-25T10:52:32.095Z

There are some related issues on gh and you can also find earlier conversations on this channel, like


ahh okay, so you can actually open the tooltip by binding something to view -> error description in intellij at least


but it doesn't show the show difference window


I guess that's something

kenny 2021-03-25T14:33:45.096400Z

You should be able to click the yellow gutter icon to open the diff.

imre 2021-03-25T16:07:40.096800Z

gutter doesn't work when there is more than one failure on the same line, such as when you use clojure.test/are or clojure.template/do-template

😞 1
thelittlesipper 2021-03-25T18:00:53.099900Z

Is there a way to start an nREPL from IntelliJ and have it spin up figwheel-main? I know you can do it with a clojure.main REPL - but why not with an nREPL? I get a “no ack received error” everytime I try


quite possible that you just need to increase the timeout


thelittlesipper 2021-03-25T19:15:52.104Z

Unfortunately that did not do the trick :( What’s weird is that if I delay when I call (fig/start “dev”) - then the nREPL connects just fine. `(thread (Thread/sleep 3000) (fig/start “dev”))`

thelittlesipper 2021-03-25T19:17:32.105300Z

Actually, just running (fig/start “dev”) in a separate thread solved it. No need for the delay.