hello, I’m having a strange issue, on the latest cursive and intellij, trying to do a rename, but the IDE is stuck at “Looking for usages”, its been like that for many minutes now
@cfleming sent
When I do a regular Find Usages on the same keyword, I got some partial results, and the search never ends
with other keywords it works fine, seems like the name name
is part of the problem
it’s my observation that the rename refactoring is paranoid/finds too many references, especially for “common” names like that
not just in Cursive, but even in the built-in Java world
yup, small names are horror for refactorings 😛
but even when it takes long, it eventually finishes
in this case, it seems to always get stuck at the same place, I guess there is some bug, something broke there, and then it got stuck =/
if you didn’t already try to exclude some folders, this help me with the same thing you are experiencing
all compiled things are excluded, I also trying doing a find usages limiting the scope (I made a custom scope and ensure I only had clj sources), but still the same result
(its around 30 min running now, and not finishing)
@wilkerlucio What are you trying to rename? A symbol/keyword/something else?
Could you take a thread dump and mail it to me? https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544899. I suspect it will show “somewhere in the bowels of IntelliJ” but you never know.