
Issues at:
borkdude 2021-05-26T09:27:03.036400Z

it helps in so far that if you integrate clj-kondo linting inside Cursive then people would see the correct warnings

borkdude 2021-05-26T09:27:34.036600Z

but I can imagine this would be a big step and doesn't integrate with the way IntelliJ works


What issue are you having? You need to have ports open, but what I've found useful to do is just use repl within wsl, so for example lein repl then connect to the nrepl port from cursive using the remote repl option 😃...

Matheus Silva 2021-05-26T11:18:54.037Z


Erik B Good 2021-05-26T15:26:12.039600Z

Hey, I was wondering whether there were some renderers that came with Cursive. For instance, when I am debugging, vectors look like in the first picture. I noticed one could add custom renderers like in the second picture. Thanks!

cfleming 2021-05-27T21:50:51.050200Z

Yes, Cursive does use some renderers internally, and it could probably do with more. If there are types that you’d like to see presented differently, I’m interested to know about them. I’d have to check the vector case though, I usually see them presented as lists.


To be honest nice ways of showing more complex stuff in ways that can be expanded, using nav and datify would be cool. I've never really used REBL that much, but if it was to a degree available in cursive that would be amazing...

cfleming 2021-06-04T11:34:22.091500Z

I’m actually planning that soon, with inline rendering.

markaddleman 2021-05-26T15:38:53.040100Z

> How would you like this to work? It's a good question. I'm not very familiar with with konfigs - I am assuming there is enough information to determine the "source" of a symbol/keyword and, thus, that would be enough information to wire up Intellij's Find Usages feature.

markaddleman 2021-05-26T16:54:31.040500Z

> but I can imagine this would be a big step and doesn't integrate with the way IntelliJ works Thanks. I guess it was more wishful thinking than anything else 🙂

cfleming 2021-05-26T21:05:38.040800Z

I still don’t quite understand. As I understand it, the clj-kondo integration should show the warnings in the editor already, right? And when there’s a warning in the editor, you should be able to use the normal Cursive find usages feature at that point?

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:07:06.041Z

> As I understand it, the clj-kondo integration should show the warnings in the editor already, right? This is correct. The other point seems logical too.

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:07:27.041200Z

But Cursive also emits syntax warnings on its own.

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:07:37.041400Z

And these are not informed by any clj-kondo configuration

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:08:02.041600Z

And that was what the question was about: could clj-kondo configuration inform Cursive's own understanding of the syntax, somehow

cfleming 2021-05-26T21:09:28.041800Z

So is the proposal to control the IntelliJ inspections via the clj-kondo config, i.e. enable and disable the roughly equivalent inspections based on the config? Or to somehow use the clj-kondo analysis results?

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:11:21.042Z

I don't think anyone has made a proposal, Mark was just asking about thoughts. I don't have any thoughts on this, but I would be open to help you out with something, if you needed it from the clj-kondo side.

cfleming 2021-05-26T21:13:11.042300Z

Ok, I’ll wait and see what Mark suggests. I’d be interested to know what the issue around attribute keywords is, for example.

borkdude 2021-05-26T21:16:08.042500Z

Well, the config for pathom3 is pretty basic: I think the same can be accomplished in Cursive with "resolve macro as" if I remember correctly.

cfleming 2021-05-26T21:17:16.042900Z

Ah, ok, yes, that should be easy.