
Issues at:
zebu 2021-06-01T02:33:34.058200Z

With my leiningen project, when I start the repl, it won’t accept any commands typed into it and there is a message saying “this view is read only”. Also I can’t find any commands in the ide to send forms to the repl

zebu 2021-06-01T02:41:43.058300Z

this is on windows, cursive 1.10.2-2021.1, java 1.8, intellij 2021.1.1 community edition, build 211.7142.45 (april 30). project opened using the open project, and pointing to the project.clj file

cfleming 2021-06-01T04:31:50.059400Z

Can you send a screenshot of your REPL toolwindow? It sounds like your REPL is not starting correctly.

zebu 2021-06-01T04:35:57.059600Z

zebu 2021-06-01T04:54:57.060400Z

onetom 2021-06-01T05:03:47.064700Z

I'm trying to version control the Clojure Code Styles settings for a project, because we had to set the formatting of defmulti to Indent manually, but I have no idea where does that configuration go to. I've changed the Editor / Code Style / Clojure / Scheme: to Project, then Opt-Enter Configure indentation for clojure.core/defmulti and set it to Indent and grep -r defmulti .idea doesn't yield anything, although .idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml does reflect my choice of "formatting scheme":

<component name="ProjectCodeStyleConfiguration">
    <option name="USE_PER_PROJECT_SETTINGS" value="true" />

onetom 2021-06-01T05:07:24.066600Z

There is a little cog next to the Code Style / Scheme drop-down, which lets me export the config into a code style XML or an EditorConfig file, but it offers to save it to ~/Project.xml by default, which sounds odd. I wouldn't think that I should do such manual export for being able to version control these settings, but then where is this config stored?

cfleming 2021-06-01T05:17:12.068Z

You can’t use the lein run config like that, you’ll need to use the REPL run config type as described here:

zebu 2021-06-01T05:59:59.068900Z

That worked, thanks Colin

borkdude 2021-06-01T20:12:40.071900Z

@wilkerlucio if the filewatcher doesn't work out, you can also try the lsp approach for clj-kondo

wilkerlucio 2021-06-03T21:06:02.089Z

cool, I didn't tried it yet, maybe its time

borkdude 2021-06-03T21:16:20.089800Z

but of course you could also give clojure #lsp a chance

wilkerlucio 2021-06-03T21:16:52.090Z

yes, I just finished the setting up, looks cool, gonna see if I notice any differences from the file watcher setup

wilkerlucio 2021-06-04T01:51:10.090200Z

when editing large files I notice a significant performance hit when the LSP is active

wilkerlucio 2021-06-04T01:52:19.090500Z

I guess its verifying things as I type, while the file watcher only does it when I save