
Issues at:
indy 2021-06-06T08:39:09.120500Z

Cursive is amazing, thank you. I have this feature request, though not sure how feasible it is. The ability to tap a variable (using say some shortcut) and after I run the code, I should be able to see information about the tapped variable (in maybe a modal or tooltip) eg. the value itself, its type, the changed versions of the variable if any (and maybe diff the versions), be able to def the variable and so on. I know I can use the debugger or something like or simply add-taps and tap> or just def the variable. But I thought it would be really convenient if the IDE gave me this ability out of the box. I understand the runtime of the plugin will be different from that of the code, so not sure how this might work, but maybe it could hook into the REPL for this. I’m also aware of tools like REBL, Reveal and Portal but they require me to switch to it which I rarely do when using IntelliJ + Cursive because everything I want can be done inside the IDE. Don’t really want visualisations (or navigating a web page), just an IDE super tap would be really cool. Would love to help in any way if this is possible.

pbaille 2021-06-06T17:02:20.122200Z

Hello, I would like to tweak clojure's syntax highlighting a bit, is it possible with cursive ?

cfleming 2021-06-08T03:33:47.149500Z

No, there isn’t, unless there’s an IntelliJ plugin which could colour things on top of what Cursive does.

indy 2021-06-06T19:16:51.122400Z

Jump to Colors and Fonts action

👍 1
indy 2021-06-06T19:17:13.122600Z

While the caret is on whatever you want to customize

indy 2021-06-06T19:17:48.122800Z

I think I can emulate something close to this with REPL commands and IntelliJ macros for now