
Issues at:
cfleming 2021-06-07T03:15:39.123200Z

I’m actually not sure, I haven’t tried LightEdit yet, I’m not sure if Cursive requires anything to support it. Why do you not want a project?

cfleming 2021-06-07T03:17:01.123400Z

I’ll try to reproduce this - Cursive does save all files before executing these commands, but it’s possible that IntelliJ takes a while to flush to disk? I’m not sure.

cfleming 2021-06-07T03:25:57.123600Z

In terms of a repro test case, anything I can run would be helpful. Perhaps just a project set up like yours with a simple test (= "Hello" "Hello")? Then it should be possible to change one of the strings and run the test quickly to see the problem.

cfleming 2021-06-07T03:33:56.123800Z

One of the things I’m working on is better data structure visualisations, and that will probably be tied into tap in some way.

cfleming 2021-06-07T03:34:19.124Z

Right, if you want to customise more than what is offered there let me know.

cfleming 2021-06-07T04:29:49.124200Z

You’re right, that seems to be broken, I’ll look at that.

pbaille 2021-06-07T06:25:35.124600Z

@kslvsunil, @cfleming thank you a lot, I will try this and let you know !

pbaille 2021-06-07T06:28:31.124800Z

Ok it seems that it is the same that what I've found in the preferences. Two things that I would like to customize for example would be : • quoted symbols • argv bindings. Is it possible ?

pbaille 2021-06-07T06:30:20.125Z

I also noticed that clojure core symbols are highlighted even when contained in comments. I would like to fix that.

pbaille 2021-06-07T06:30:44.125200Z

Is there some kind of tmLanguage.json file somewhere ?

onetom 2021-06-07T07:57:57.125500Z

it seems the problem is that the current file is not always correctly identified as a modified file. so if my REPL command is configured to Before executing: Sync all modified files, then i modify my test source and run my (time ((requiring-resolve 'kaocha.repl/run) :unit)) REPL command, my current test state might not be loaded into the REPL process. the missing Loading test/ns/xxx_test.clj... done lines in the REPL tool window correctly reflect what happens.

onetom 2021-06-07T07:58:52.125700Z

so, this phenomena is observed without using ctnr/refresh

onetom 2021-06-07T08:22:26.125900Z

@cfleming i've emailed you a video recording which demonstrates the issue. i think for now i can work around the problem by just using the Before executing: Load current file and try to remember to press Cmd-Shift-M, if I modified dependent files, but haven't reloaded them manually.

onetom 2021-06-07T08:28:25.126200Z

pushed the repo, which I used to record the video demonstration here:

defa 2021-06-07T09:58:57.129900Z

I’d like to debug a process on a remote machine using breakpoints but can not get the debugger to connect properly to the remove JVM. I have a nrepl remote REPL running successfully but connecting a debugger with IntelliJ IDEA “Remote JVM Debug” run stetting does not work. I have to tunnel the remote JVM socket using SSH port forwarding, maybe that is the problem?

onetom 2021-06-07T10:50:50.138100Z

I have one more suspicion; Kaocha itself, since it's not exactly a trivial piece of software. I'm also experiencing something which makes no sense at all. I previous version of my test runs somehow, when I'm only editing and letting the Cursive REPL command load the current file and run kaocha. after manually switching over to the test namespace an load it with Cmd-Shift-L, it finally gets updated in the REPL process. (and I'm not changing the name of the deftest; I know that's a common cause for phantom tests; this is a different situation)

mike_ananev 2021-06-07T11:38:57.139100Z

@defa when you start a REPL (remote process) you should put to :jvm-opts parameter


mike_ananev 2021-06-07T11:39:46.139800Z

and tell Idea to connect to debuger port 5005

bnstvn 2021-06-07T12:14:41.140Z

thank you

defa 2021-06-07T14:17:07.141200Z

Thanks, @mike1452, I already did that but it seems that the debugger takes a couple of minutes (!) to connect. Not sure what this is or was but not it is working. Kind of. Thanks.

defa 2021-06-07T14:17:56.142200Z

Unfortunately I encountered a heisenbug… now that I’m able to debug the problem, it has gone away.


yeah, it can be incredibly slow when the Java debugger gets involved, from my experience. I recommend waiting until your process is fully warmed up, before the error state (or whatever you’re trying to debug), then connect the debugger


and disconnect/reconnect it liberally


Hello, my company moved to bazel builds for our Clojure/JVM-based projects. How do I configure Cursive / IntelliJ to recognize my classpath again?


I'll try to setup a project 🙂

thheller 2021-06-07T16:53:02.144Z

there is a bazel plugin for intellij I think

tanzoniteblack 2021-06-07T18:33:14.144100Z

how are you liking bazel? How is it set up to work with Clojure?

tanzoniteblack 2021-06-07T18:33:18.144300Z

if you don’t mind me asking


yeah, there's a bazel plugin for IntelliJ but it does not loads the java classpath from the build


Right now the support for bazel on IntelliJ is very very bad, the company moved from deps.edn to bazel and it broke at lot of IntelliJ classpath loading stuff




goto var definitions are impossible for some part of the code




I can connect a REPL from IntelliJ but it doesn't detect modules on IntelliJ 😞

katox 2021-06-07T19:29:35.148300Z

It seems that cursive doesn't like the latest tools.deps that come with Clojure ( `clj -Sdescribe => {:version "" ...};

katox 2021-06-08T07:11:12.150200Z

If I switch it back on it says

katox 2021-06-08T07:11:42.150400Z

cfleming 2021-06-08T08:31:48.153400Z

And it definitely doesn’t work with those settings?

katox 2021-06-08T09:00:49.153600Z

No, it won't starrt the REPL if I leave it on.

katox 2021-06-08T09:01:40.154Z

cfleming 2021-06-08T23:42:51.169400Z

That’s really weird. I can’t reproduce that, and I don’t have a plausible theory for how it could happen. I’ll look at the code to see what debug logging might be there, otherwise I’ll have to add some.

cfleming 2021-06-09T07:39:21.172500Z

Does your project have tools.deps on its classpath for some reason?

katox 2021-06-09T08:15:58.172700Z

it is not on the classpath, it is in the project root. I have no idea what's wrong where but it is not a corrupted project file. I found a 6mo old untouched deps project that did the same. If you had some debug build I can try to run it here if it helps.

imre 2021-06-07T19:45:23.148600Z

what cursive version are you on? I'm on 1.10.3-eap1-2021.1 with latest clojure and it's grand

katox 2021-06-07T20:31:55.148800Z

The same EAP + 2021.1.2. I can make it work by "use deps directly" but it it worked with the older version (it broke when I updated the clj tooling)