
Issues at:

is it a known thing that you can’t see the testing contexts from the built in failure window? of course, I can see the diff, but if I have a doseq where 19/20 are passing, it’s not that useful unless I can see all of the contexts. If I simply run (my.ns/my-test) directly from the REPL, then of course I can see it in the output

➕ 1

You can’t always do it, but usually you can refactor the test to be a single equality check.


(I agree with your ask. I’m only suggesting an interim—sometimes better—solution.)



;;instead of this
(doseq [[in out] items]
  (is (= out (foo in))))

;; do this
(is (= outs
       (map foo ins)))


Well sure. But I mean, the data I'm asking about is clearly available so there is no theoretical reason it's can't be shown with the failures. It already shows the individual failure diffs

✔️ 1

But thanks for the suggestion

cfleming 2021-07-01T06:26:39.131200Z

Just so I’m clear, what sort of context would you want to see? How would you want to distinguish the different cases? In the case of something like (doseq [[in out] items] ...) there’s no good way to get just in and out, unless I’m misunderstanding something.


If you run the test as a function and get a failure, you will see it printed out