
Data science, data analysis, and machine learning in Clojure for additional discussions

Yup; For the record, I mentioned Darkstar above 🙂


And doesn't have some basic vega utilities?


@nick.romer You can also take a look at semantic-csv, which gives you some nice utilities for working with large csv files lazily, and composes with and friends.


I agree though that if you can fit in memory, using <|>.dataset is likely the way to go


Dude; That memory-meter shit is dope! Going to stow that one away in my toolbox.

chrisn 2020-06-08T19:27:49.302400Z

Haha, yeah totally. I really wish I had found that earlier as tracking down which object graph in a program is hogging ram is a serious problem sometimes 🙂.

niveauverleih 2020-06-08T20:42:19.306500Z

@vlaaad @chris441 @metasoarous Thank you all! For the time being I was able to load some interesting columns like this: (defn reducer [ac row] (conj ac (map #(nth (first (csv/read-csv row)) %) [16 3 17 18]))) (def master (with-open [rdr (io/reader data-local)] (reduce reducer [] (line-seq rdr)))) I will have a look at tech-ml-dataset.

chrisn 2020-06-08T22:47:32.306900Z

Sorry, yes I see that now. I just quickly scanned. Not any more, everything like that was moved to tech.viz. That is why I now have the simpledata repository that people can just and then use immediately; the tech system now requires 3 separate dependencies if you want to train a classifier and see a plot of the output.