Just updated oz master fixing a couple of bugs. Still have a few more I'm squashing before tests will pass fully, but getting close.
Can test the latest master out on a file like this (REPL):
clj -Sdeps '{:deps {metasoarous/oz {:git/url "<https://github.com/metasoarous/oz>" :sha "747c2a88d3c42f11af7a997254bc3dc7af442aca"}}}'
You can even run live-view!
from the clj
cli like this:
clj -Sdeps '{:deps {metasoarous/oz {:git/url "<https://github.com/metasoarous/oz>" :sha "747c2a88d3c42f11af7a997254bc3dc7af442aca"}}}' -e "(require '[oz.core]) (oz.core/live-view! \"path/to/content.md\" :port 9764)"
Hoping to set up a proper -main
function in there before releasing, which will let you run build
, compile
, view
, etc, with args mapped through to the underlying api functions.
More updates soon!
New chapter! Numerical Linear Algebra for Programmers release 0.9.0, with a chapter on Principal component analysis (PCA) Subscribe and read now at https://aiprobook.com/numerical-linear-algebra-for-programmers
Hooray for PCA!