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grazfather 2021-03-31T21:02:39.020700Z

In Oz/Vega is there a way to avoid this? these labels are not very helpful

grazfather 2021-04-01T19:15:09.022400Z

Unfortunately I don’t care enough to rejoin another slack πŸ™‚ thank you thougm


Yes, you can turn off the labels. Check out the axes docs:

πŸ‘ 1

There should be a way to control the precision as well, if you like, but that may take a bit more digging

grazfather 2021-03-31T22:08:49.021700Z

right, I can turn off labels, but what I mean is that depending on the range it either shows dates and some times, or just times. To me it should prefer to show just dates


Yeah, I think there is a way to do that. I just don't don't remember off the top of my head. Searching through the axis docs is the place to go though.


This might be a good question for the vega slack. Could also try a stackoverflow, as I think it's well monitored.