I've been diving into the hitchhiker-tree internals and getting a bit familiar with the code, I noticed that the index range lookups are done getting a forward iterator (https://github.com/replikativ/hitchhiker-tree/blob/master/src/hitchhiker/tree/messaging.cljc#L200) and stopping it as soon as a Datom is out of bounds (https://github.com/replikativ/datahike/blob/7b70edb7ec7ff7c8fbcc2907d069a3f02866db31/src/datahike/index/hitchhiker_tree.cljc#L57). Are you thinking about adding a reverse iterator and/or using the tree ordering to get datoms inside a closed (i.e. with all eavt specified) range? I'm still reading the implementation so sorry if my question makes little sense.
just found https://github.com/replikativ/hitchhiker-tree/issues/6 which answers the reverse iterator question
Yes, it would be nice if we could iterate in reverse as well (in general, not just for datahike).
btw i opened a PR to the hitchhiker tree to give proper ordering to UUIDs, the default JVM ordering is not correct https://github.com/replikativ/hitchhiker-tree/pull/7