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csm 2019-11-08T08:38:28.122300Z

I made a basic stab at an AWS DynamoDB backend for datahike: (and

csm 2019-11-08T08:40:33.122600Z

this is much more modest than the DDB+S3 combo I was also hacking on. I’ll probably keep experimenting there, but was able to put this together quickly.

purrgrammer 2019-11-08T09:33:32.122800Z

I'm not sure about the preconditions/constraints, could you provide a link please? Regarding tuples there are planned for 0.3.0

purrgrammer 2019-11-08T09:34:33.123200Z

nice, konserve is pretty cool 💯

whilo 2019-11-08T09:46:35.123400Z

We have a much stronger precondition system in the pipeline, its target is

schmee 2019-11-08T09:47:59.124Z

looking forward to tuples! 😄

schmee 2019-11-08T09:48:07.124200Z

@whilo cool, I’ll check it out!

whilo 2019-11-08T09:48:33.124500Z

the condition system itself is not yet documented there

whilo 2019-11-08T09:53:50.124700Z

oh, having control in the sense of being able to opt-out. we also have a dynamo-db backend in the pipeline, although datomic is much more mature of course

whilo 2019-11-08T09:56:00.124900Z

it is not just about each individual user having freedom to opt out, it is about adapting the stack to your needs for any user and you profit from that. normal database stacks (even if open source) do not provide this freedom because they have many assumptions hardwired in and very complex. datomic is decomplected, yet proprietary, which is an odd choice in my opinion. i understand that they want to make money though

whilo 2019-11-08T10:21:56.125600Z

konserve's list-keys function also does that, at least for our own filestore implementation. the problem is that the indices are stored in the hitchhiker-tree and the query engine benefits from scanning the datoms directly. so keys and values are not split at the moment. if you need to store large values, you can point to an external medium as well though, that will make joining with them slower though.

whilo 2019-11-08T10:22:56.125800Z

this is super nice

whilo 2019-11-08T10:30:11.126400Z

@csm301 that is super cool. a good excuse to play with dynamodb

Björn Ebbinghaus 2019-11-08T14:24:47.130700Z

@whilo In the jar of hasch (dependency of datahike) there is the folder: /private/js/out which contains duplicates of clojure, cljs, incognito and hasch namespaces. This results in a ton of warnings when compiling with shadow-cljs and (in my case) results in errors later on.

Björn Ebbinghaus 2019-11-09T17:34:42.144400Z


Björn Ebbinghaus 2019-11-08T14:27:36.130800Z

Looks like this:

[2019-11-08 15:11:49.949 - INFO] filename violation for ns incognito.base, got: private/js/out/incognito/base.cljc expected: incognito/base.cljs (or .cljc)
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.950 - INFO] filename violation for ns clojure.string, got: private/js/out/clojure/string.cljs expected: clojure/string.cljs (or .cljc)
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.955 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{hasch.platform} provided by private/js/out/hasch/platform.js and {"/hasch/platform.cljs" #{hasch.platform}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.956 - INFO] filename violation for ns cljs.reader, got: private/js/out/cljs/reader.cljs expected: cljs/reader.cljs (or .cljc)
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.957 - INFO] filename violation for ns cljs.test, got: private/js/out/cljs/test.cljs expected: cljs/test.cljs (or .cljc)
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.957 - INFO] filename violation for ns cljs.pprint, got: private/js/out/cljs/pprint.cljs expected: cljs/pprint.cljs (or .cljc)
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.957 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{hasch.core} provided by private/js/out/hasch/core.js and {"/hasch/core.cljc" #{hasch.core}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.958 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{hasch.benc} provided by private/js/out/hasch/benc.js and {"/hasch/benc.cljc" #{hasch.benc}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:49.962 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{incognito.base} provided by incognito/base.cljc and {"/private/js/out/incognito/base.js" #{incognito.base}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.273 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{cljs.reader} provided by cljs/reader.cljs and {"/private/js/out/cljs/reader.js" #{cljs.reader}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.273 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{cljs.pprint} provided by cljs/pprint.cljs and {"/private/js/out/cljs/pprint.js" #{cljs.pprint}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.274 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{cljs.pprint} provided by cljs/pprint.cljc and {"/private/js/out/cljs/pprint.js" #{cljs.pprint}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.275 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{cljs.test} provided by cljs/test.cljs and {"/private/js/out/cljs/test.js" #{cljs.test}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.276 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{clojure.string} provided by clojure/string.cljs and {"/private/js/out/clojure/string.js" #{clojure.string}}
[2019-11-08 15:11:50.277 - WARNING] provide conflict for #{cljs.test} provided by cljs/test.cljc and {"/private/js/out/cljs/test.js" #{cljs.test}}

and later:
HeadlessChrome 78.0.3904 (Mac OS X 10.15.1) ERROR
  TypeError: is not a function
      at ci.js:177298:11
      at Object.cljs$test$run_block [as run_block] (ci.js:148721:19)
      at Function.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 (ci.js:177336:18)
      at shadow$test$run_tests (ci.js:177318:30)
      at Function.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 (ci.js:177377:30)
      at shadow$test$run_all_tests (ci.js:177359:34)
      at Function.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 (ci.js:177373:34)
      at shadow$test$run_all_tests (ci.js:177355:34)
      at shadow$test$karma$start (ci.js:183088:34)
      at shadow$test$karma$init (ci.js:183094:32)
HeadlessChrome 78.0.3904 (Mac OS X 10.15.1): Executed 1 of 1 ERROR (0.027 secs / 0.004 secs)




Dynamodb by itself (without Datomic or Datahike on top) is a nightmare for 98% of use cases. So this may be the only good excuse.

whilo 2019-11-08T18:05:20.131800Z

Sorry for that, thanks for reporting. Can you open an issue for hasch?