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knubie 2020-01-23T01:07:55.004400Z

Once I clone the datahike repo, how do I build, run tests, etc? (How can I run this in clojurescript?)

Bhougland 2020-01-23T05:04:06.005400Z

Is there an example or blog demonstrating importing data from an example worksheet?

Bhougland 2020-01-23T05:04:19.005700Z

Excel worksheet


If you can save it as CSV, there is the data.csv Clojure library for reading it. Would that do?


@benjamin.hougland There's also docjure:

kkuehne 2020-01-23T11:54:41.002600Z

@benjamin.hougland we do not support importing data from excel or csv in datahike at the moment. I'm currently working on an importer from SQL tables and other datalog variants.

kkuehne 2020-01-23T11:57:12.004800Z

@steedman87 you may run tests with leiningen's lein test which runs all tests on the JVM. Due to updated dependencies we currently can't support ClojureScript but fixing that is on our roadmap for this year. As for running it in your application you can simply add datahike to your dependencies and start working with it in your REPL.

Bhougland 2020-01-23T13:55:43.008800Z

Thanks for the replies. I was thinking more about a good function example that would format the output from docjure into something that datahike would accept with minimal fuss. I will giving it a go later today (this will be a good excercise for a clojure newbie like me). Do you mind if I pass my on my attempt for code review?


You are welcome to invite reviewers to look at your code. Whether you get any takers for your invitation depends on who is interested.

Bhougland 2020-01-23T14:01:33.009100Z

Great, thanks!

kkuehne 2020-01-23T14:16:03.009300Z

You may also add me for review.