Does anyone know if konservere
is currently working for IndexedDB
Ah, very interesting. Seems to be working in Chrome but not necessarily in firefox
if I ever get unburried from work I'll add it to my overdue list of things I promised to help with :face_with_rolling_eyes:
(:require [cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<!]]
[konserve.indexeddb :refer [new-indexeddb-store]]
[konserve.core :as k])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
(go (def my-db (<! (new-indexeddb-store "konserve")))
(println "get:" (<! (k/get-in my-db ["test" :a])))
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(<! (k/assoc-in my-db [i] i)))
;; prints 0 to 9 each on a line
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(println (<! (k/get-in my-db [i]))))
(println (<! (k/assoc-in my-db ["test"] {:a 1 :b 4.2})))
(println (<! (k/update-in my-db ["test" :a] inc)))))
@goomba I can't remember when, but at some point I got it running on Firefox. For the planned ClojureScript support we will definitely have to support IndexedDB
I'll add it to my list of undelievered promises to work on 😐 it's on my work radar as well
No pressure. Currently I'm planning our roadmap to see what we want to focus on next. A first draft can be found on the github wiki. The ClojureScript part is planned for later in the year.