@whilo Hi, hasch-0.3.5.jar has 250 files in it. I think all but 18 should not be there and leaked in from the js/cljs dev setup in public/ and private/. superv.async-0.2.9.jar has 199 files of which I think only 13 should be there. public/js leaked in. I stumbled over this while investigating this compiler message: [2020-07-10 11:18:05.001 - INFO] duplicate resource public/js/client.js on classpath, using jar:file:/usr/home/markus/.m2/repository/io/replikativ/hasch/0.3.5/hasch-0.3.5.jar!/public/js/client.js over jar:file:/usr/home/markus/.m2/repository/io/replikativ/superv.async/0.2.9/superv.async-0.2.9.jar!/public/js/client.js Thank you for your work!
@magra Yes, thanks for pointing that out, I am somewhat aware of the issue, but have not had the time to fix it yet. Feel also free to open issues such that this does not get lost.
@timo I need to look into your build and release pipeline and how to do that in there automatically. So far I have done the release process for these libraries too manually.
we can have a chat about it anytime. I will follow up with more CI for datahike-server next week. most of the stuff can be copied over from e.g. datahike-jdbc but you need to get a release token from clojars into circleci to make it work. LEIN_PASSWORD and LEIN_USERNAME it is I think.
Ok, good. Yes, the problem is the ClojureScript build and test pipeline has not yet been automated.