Probably to match clojure.core/comp
, which composes fns right to left, @rnagpal
what is the best way of having unique ids for IDs (:db/id) I tried using string(UUID -> str) and it doesn’t seem to work. t/now -> to-long
or use nano-time ?
(defn nano-time []
#?(:clj (System/nanoTime)
:cljs (js/
Another question 🙂 This query is not working
(defn find-before-time [end]
(let [query '[:find [(pull ?e [*]) ...]
[?e :timestamp ?time]
[(< ?time)]]]
(d/q query @conn end)))
try with (new js/Date)
(defn find-before-time
(let [query '[:find [(pull ?e [*]) ...]
:in $ ?end
[?e :timestamp ?time]
[(< ?end ?time)]]]
(d/q query @conn end)))
Thanks @souenzzo