
Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
stathissideris 2018-09-06T13:55:07.000100Z

hello, a question about perf: Does this component get re-rendered selectively when a specific part of the database is changed? Or does it get re-rendered every time?

mattly 2018-09-06T17:10:59.000100Z

my understanding is that this would only be re-rendered when told to by its parent

mattly 2018-09-06T17:11:12.000200Z

1) db should be a stable reference

mattly 2018-09-06T17:11:32.000100Z

2) the component doesn't mixin either rum/static or rum/reactive

mattly 2018-09-06T17:12:12.000100Z

then you look at this,

mattly 2018-09-06T17:12:36.000100Z

and it's basically re-rendering the whole app (and their queries) after each transaction