
Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
pinealan 2021-03-01T15:57:58.047700Z

Hi! I’m building a PoC webapp as clojure monolith and am weighing the options on whether to include datascript early in the project. I’m trying to pro-con it and here’s my list 1. If the project splits into server+client, how reusable is the datascript logic on Cljs? or the datalog queries on datomic? 2. I know datascript started as a Cljs project. What’s the performance like on JVM? 3. Do I need even datalog at such an early stage? Am I overthinking this? Any ideas is welcomed


1. The queries are mostly the same between datomic and datascript. There are some differences, but a lot of your queries will still work, or needed only minimal modification. 2. JVM performance is much better than on JS engine. 3. The datomic/datascript model is exceptionally flexible and powerful, so why not!?


Also, consider datahike, as this gets you server+client, as well as durability (which datascript itself does not)


Also addresses the issues with the subtle differences between data in datomic & datascript, since you can (potentially at least) have the same db on client and server.


(also would support offline writes for clients, etc)


(see also: #datahike)

👍 1
cjsauer 2021-03-09T14:39:22.055700Z

Datahike runs in cljs? I haven’t kept up on it much but last I checked it was clj only.

cjsauer 2021-03-12T14:39:22.057700Z

Wow that’s exciting!

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