(let [db (ds/db-with (ds/empty-db) [{:db/id -1
:my/attr "a"}])]
(and (map? db) (keys db)))
;; The result object failed to print. It is available via *1 if you want to interact with it.
;; The exception was:
;; TypeError: me.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 is not a function
I have a datascript db in my re-frame app-db and re-frisk tries to diff the db. https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk/blob/master/re-frisk/src/re_frisk/diff/diff.cljs#L11
Is this a bug?
My bad, I think this issue is already filed under re-frisk.
Actually never mind. I think it was misdiagnosed in re-frisk.
I’m going to file an issue in the datascript repo and follow up there.