
meow 2015-12-08T03:02:54.000642Z

I had a totally unexpected coincidence while experimenting with my new skeletonize function where the upper vertices of an inner skeleton happened to coincide with vertices in the outer skeleton in such a way that they restricted the Catmull-Clark algorithm from moving them. Resulting in the following shape (which I jazzed up even more by giving it a texture):

meow 2015-12-08T03:06:18.000644Z

You really need to look at this one using the 3D Tool on Shapeways:

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T13:54:22.000646Z

Thatโ€™s pretty cool!

meow 2015-12-08T14:29:50.000647Z

@eggsyntax: Thanks!

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:14:53.000648Z

Hey @kephale -- want to kick the tires on a beta version of cljs-mathbox? Or anyone else would be equally welcome. I've got some cleanup & documentation to do, and there will be a handful of very small breaking changes, but it should be pretty much good to go. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.


@eggsyntax: you betcha! might be later in the evening, but iโ€™d love to

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:17:11.000650Z

Excellent! Check out, do lein figwheel, and make sure it runs for you (you'll get a string of WebGL errors, but that's a MathBox problem & there's no way around it, unfortunately). & then explore from there :simple_smile:

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:17:31.000652Z

The repo for the wrapper itself is at

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:18:16.000654Z

The example repo just exercises some of the basic functionality, nothing fancy.

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:18:39.000655Z

Pull requests also welcomed.

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:21:00.000656Z

Alternately, pulling it into an existing project is just a matter of adding [cljs-mathbox "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"] to your dependencies.

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:21:12.000657Z

I just broke the build, one sec ๐Ÿ˜›

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:22:32.000658Z

OK, all better, just had to get my version #s straight ๐Ÿ˜‰


wheee, ok, iโ€™ll tell you how it goes

eggsyntax 2015-12-08T17:24:17.000660Z

Awesome :simple_smile:


this machine is crying from doing too many volume renders : X

meow 2015-12-08T17:55:07.000662Z

I'm changing how vertex normals are calculated in Running into more 0.0 vs. -0.0 fun and games... ๐Ÿ˜ž

meow 2015-12-08T18:27:21.000663Z

I have a feeling that the way I'm going to fix this problem might also fix my meshes tearing after I do skeletonize followed by some catmull-clarks

meow 2015-12-08T18:28:25.000665Z

-0.0 is the work of the devil, I say, the devil himself