
meow 2016-01-06T01:14:37.001169Z

(defn ^meta/meta moar [^double double] (filter odd? (repeatedly double)))

meow 2016-01-06T01:15:04.001170Z

untested code, so it might not work quite as one would expect, but it looks right to me at the moment

meow 2016-01-06T01:15:41.001171Z

oops, missing a final paren...

meow 2016-01-06T01:16:05.001173Z


meow 2016-01-06T01:16:46.001174Z

thank you, slack, for letting me edit my previous posts, even if we like immutable stuff in the clojuresphere

meow 2016-01-06T02:07:37.001175Z

Well, would you look at those suggested topics for Clojure/west 2016. It looks like someone is interested in data visualization ala mathbox. Wonder who added that suggestion?

meow 2016-01-06T02:08:39.001177Z

Now, the rest of you get off your @sses and go vote...

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:22:12.001182Z

@meow: If they’ll cover my costs, I’ll come talk about it :simple_smile:. When is it?

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:24:23.001183Z

I don’t have a conference budget at the moment, sadly 😞

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:24:45.001184Z

Or obv someone else could come talk about datavis...


@eggsyntax: the clojure/* meetings have costs covered if they choose your proposal. doooo it!!!


well, airfare+hotel+registration

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:30:30.001187Z

Yeah, that’s all I need :simple_smile:

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:31:25.001188Z

Cool, I’ll give it some serious thought, anyway. At /conj, we touched on our use of MB, but certainly didn’t dive into its details or overall usage (& of course I hadn’t open sourced the lib at that point).

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:34:10.001189Z

April 15th, hmm, coming right up. I’ve never been to Seattle :simple_smile:

meow 2016-01-06T22:44:43.001192Z

I lived in Seattle for a minute and I really want to go to this con so I'm going to submit a proposal and cross my fingers.

meow 2016-01-06T22:45:23.001193Z

I sent an email to them asking for help/advice/mentor. Will see what they reply.

meow 2016-01-06T22:46:07.001194Z

@kephale: You should submit a proposal as well, if you want.

meow 2016-01-06T22:46:24.001195Z

I mean, are you interested in going/speaking?

meow 2016-01-06T22:46:54.001196Z

@eggsyntax: glad you are going to think about it

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T22:47:57.001197Z

Not like, y’know, “oh, maybe it’s worth my time.” More like, “hmm, ok, that’s almost worth overcoming my discomfort w/ public speaking."


Yes, George alluded to that : P


Hmm… perhaps i’ll submit a proposal, maybe large-scale image analysis

meow 2016-01-06T23:06:39.001200Z

Public speaking ranks very high on lists of things people fear. Not unusual.

meow 2016-01-06T23:07:39.001201Z

Don't let that stop you. I don't like attending conferences unless I'm going to be a speaker.

eggsyntax 2016-01-06T23:08:08.001202Z
