@stathissideris: can dali render in realtime, in a window, somewhat reminiscent of web svg element?
@nooga: haven't tried it, I suspect it way be a bit slow. I'm planning to make an Cljs version soon(ish) which will be fast enough for real time stuff
I see
what's your use case?
I’m looking for something that would let me build custom 2d gui in clj
I like using web svg w/ reagent in cljs but if I wanted a desktop app, this would mean bringing webkit in
Quil and Java2d are either slow or resource hungry
if you're going in that direction, maybe bringing webkit in is not so bad (since it's part of the JDK anyway). If you used dali to do it, you would have to rasterize every frame, and then you'd have to keep track of regions to detect clicks etc yourself
if you have a DOM, that's taken care of for you
so what's your experience with svg+reagent? it's very relevant to me for the cljs version
I mostly write simple components that render svg tags, mount everything onto a single <svg> and it just seems to work, there are some caveats with visibility and mouse events handling. Mostly text and simple shapes though - never actually tried drawing complex paths etc. as it would require generating strings and I’m too lazy for that
also my approach assumes layouting by hand
well, with dali-cljs you wont have to anymore!
I just need to find some time to do it
writing all that documentation has exhausted me
i could use some auto layout for grids or groups of objects
dali seems nice, I’m browsing the examples and docs right now
thanks :simple_smile:
@nooga: the best example I have is this (and it should probably be in the front page): https://github.com/stathissideris/dali/blob/master/examples/output/architecture.svg
that's the most complex thing I've done with dali
yeha, looks impressive and shows things like :dali/align
which I’d love to have in web svg... vide knobs in
@nooga: https://github.com/stathissideris/dali/blob/master/examples/output/surround.svg :simple_smile:
looks similar
cool project btw
and cool monty python reference
thx, you’re looking at dev version of our entry for clojure cup 2015
we actually won 2nd place ;D
oh nice! I didn't follow that very closely
who was 1st?
@pesterhazy and friends with interactive Quil tutorial, very impressive
I’m watching dali now, I’ll come back when it gets web backend 😉
TMTGP uses web audio for realtime synthesis and we want to write more music software that’s for desktop and uses faster DSP than the web one. Eyecandy is the main problem though :K
@nooga: use seesaw (which is swing), this book will tell you how to make it look good: http://filthyrichclients.org/
swing can look amazing (if you override renderers etc)