the datomic-console only seems to be able to do queries … anyone know of a datomic tool which can be used to perform transactions ?
looks promising , thanks @bhurlow
hello guys. any idea why the datomic rest-api is deprecated?
I loved it because that makes trivial to interface my backend with my clojure natal apps
but I am concerned
thats someday I'll have to learn all the aws stack to keep using datomic lol
I'm trying to use conformity with datomic pro (on-prem). It breaks though, seems to be trying to require datomic.api instead of datomic.client.api. Is there anything I can be doing differently to make it work? Or even an alternative to conformity?
search for cloudformity @coding.aaronp
I’m on mobile otherwise I’d link you
awesome thanks!
@husayn , I use the REPL to do the transactions, I find easier to "replay" the transactions too, since I can just save everything in a namespace.
@galtelino yeah, that’s what I use now, was just hoping there was a better tool