Why does,
(d/q {:query {:find [?d]
:where [[_ :some.test/thing ?d]]}
:args [db]})
Given me a `java.lang.RuntimeException: "Unable to resolve symbol: ?d in this context"`?(Trying out dev-local)
it needs to be quoted so that clojure doesn't try resolve the symbol - '{:find ...}
Doh, thanks
Docs don’t specify quoting as necessary: https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/query/query-executing.html#querying-a-database
curious - that must be a typo
unless d/q
is a macro in the cloud api
Maybe, or I’m missing some subtlety. @alexmiller?
I'm used to the on-prem datomic
I’ve only used Cloud, but it was a while back
using on-prem now?
No, I’ve been doing some other stuff for a while (UX, PLing), but I can’t let dev-local just sit there without trying it out. 🙂
I think the necessity of quoting is considered “obvious”--a query is a data structure and the symbols in it are not supposed to be resolved eagerly in clojure but used inside the query engine. This can’t be solved with a macro because queries don’t need to be literals
that example in the doc you linked to is just a flat-out bug 🙂
@favila surely a macro could technically solve this, since it would be able to walk the inputs and quote the symbols.. it would be ugly, so I way prefer the quoting, but doable?
How would a macro look at a query provided as an argument by reference?
vs a literal
(let [q my-query] (d/q q db))
I guess it could rewrite the symbols to function calls that would try resolve in local environment or resolve in actual symbols instead.. it would be such a terrible hack
It’s not that far-fetched, if you consider the find clause a kind of declaration.
It’s semantically not much weirder than naming parameters in a defn
, even though they may not be declared anywhere beforehand.
it would be fickle as anything though xD
quoted is so much simpler
And yet we don’t have to (defn hello '[person-name] …)
. But hey, it doesn’t matter much. 🙂
the difference is that the slot in defn must be a literal
you can’t (let [my-arg-vector '[person-name]] (defn hello my-arg-vector,,,))
requiring a query literal would be a poor limitation to impose on d/q
Hi! In my new job we’re using Datomic Pro on-prem. We’re now trying to setup continuous integration (CircleCI), but lein deps
raises an error that it cannot get datomic from http://my.datomic.com (“not authorized”). What is the “idiomatic” way to use Datomic in continuous integration? Both for testing and for generating release builds? Thanks!
do you have a private maven repo that the CI can access? If so you could mirror the dependency there
(defmacro q [body]
(println &env))
No I’m afraid not.
(let [qr [:find]] (q qr))
{qr #object[clojure.lang.Compiler$LocalBinding 0x694600ab clojure.lang.Compiler$LocalBinding@694600ab]}
but yes - there would be all sorts of caveats
it would be terrible xD
you do have a private maven repo with your on-prem license
I'm not sure what's supported in circleci wrt setting up access to it
if you login to your http://my.datomic.com dashboard there are instructions for configuring access to the private maven repo
you’ll need to add user/pw to your leiningen config. older versions required gpg-encrypted key files
i dont know if that’s still true
Ah that’s good to know, I had no idea. I will have to check with the person who set it up originally then. I think given your info we should be able to get it going, thanks!!
CircleCi has a feature to pass secrets as env. vars., you could use that to pass the pw to the build
(defmacro d-q [q-map]
`(d/q ~(assoc q-map :query `(quote ~(:query q-map)))))
😅if you use leiningen you can call clojure code with unquote, to inject the env var:
:repositories {"my repo"
{:url "<http://my.repo.url>"
:name "repo name"
:username "usernamr"
:password ~(System/getenv "DATOMIC_PASSWORD")}}
Great, thanks a lot, we got it working like that
Is there a way to pull an entity by a composite tuple made out of refs?
Yes, but you need to use raw entity ids
[:aref+bref [123 456]]
(for e.g., assuming that attr is :db/unique and that a and b are both refs)
Hm.. 😕 I hoped I could get away with lookup refs instead of eids…
Thank you anyway
[Datomic Cloud] I've seen several references in the documentation that says the Application Name, in context of a CF template param, "cannot be changed later" - however, that parameter does show up if I attempt a parameter upgrade in CF. Will bad things happen if I change that? ... Also - what if I really really do need to change the application name? Like in the case of scaling up my system, by breaking the main app out into a new compute group, but needing to still deploy tx fns to the primary group from a separate application name?