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zilti 2020-10-09T11:52:25.412500Z

Is there a way to query for entities that don't have a certain attribute? Something like "show me all entities that have a :company/id but don't have a :company/owner"


Check out missing? in the query docs

đź‘Ť 2
souenzzo 2020-10-09T13:59:35.413800Z

@zilti you can also do

[?e .....]
(not [?e :attr])

đź‘Ť 3
souenzzo 2020-10-09T19:33:37.416600Z

Looks like that datomic-peer do not respect socks proxy JVM props -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=5000 Is it a know issue? slurp respect this settings both for dns resolution and packages. Datomic do not respect the proxy for names resolution I can't know about packages

ChicĂŁo 2020-10-09T20:33:34.419300Z

Hi, I want to restore my backup db then I run bin/transctor the transactor

datomic-pro-0.9.5561 bin/transactor config/dev-transactor-template.properties
Launching with Java options -server -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50
Starting datomic:<dev://localhost:4334/&lt;DB-NAME>&gt;, storing data in: data ...
System started datomic:<dev://localhost:4334/&lt;DB-NAME>&gt;, storing data in: data
and I ran this command and I got an error
datomic-pro-0.9.5561 bin/datomic restore-db backup.tgz datomic:<dev://localhost:4334/hummingbirg-dev>                                                                                        
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: :storage/invalid-uri Unsupported protocol:
        at datomic.error$arg.invokeStatic(error.clj:57)
        at datomic.error$arg.invoke(error.clj:52)
        at datomic.error$arg.invokeStatic(error.clj:55)
        at datomic.error$arg.invoke(error.clj:52)
        at datomic.backup$fn__19707.invokeStatic(backup.clj:306)
        at datomic.backup$fn__19707.invoke(backup.clj:304)
        at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke(MultiFn.java:233)
Can someone help me?

marshall 2020-10-09T20:34:31.419700Z

your backup (source) needs to be an unzipped backup, not a tar

ChicĂŁo 2020-10-09T20:35:06.420100Z

I got the same error when I unzipped

marshall 2020-10-09T20:35:19.420300Z


marshall 2020-10-09T20:35:23.420500Z

it should be a directory

marshall 2020-10-09T20:36:29.421Z

a top level dir with roots and values dirs inside of it

ChicĂŁo 2020-10-09T20:38:02.421300Z

backup ls
owner  roots  values

marshall 2020-10-09T20:38:17.421500Z


marshall 2020-10-09T20:38:22.421800Z

you need to make a URI for it

marshall 2020-10-09T20:38:23.421900Z


marshall 2020-10-09T20:38:38.422300Z

it will be like: file:///User/Home/backup/

ChicĂŁo 2020-10-09T20:42:03.423Z

it worked

ChicĂŁo 2020-10-09T20:42:08.423200Z

thanks !

marshall 2020-10-09T20:42:11.423400Z

no problem

zilti 2020-10-09T22:35:28.426700Z

Okay, I don't get it... or-join works completely different from what I expect. When there's no result fulfilling any of the clauses in or-join it will match everything. Is that on purpose? How can I avoid that?

zilti 2020-10-09T22:53:14.427100Z

I thought this:

(d/q '[:find ?eid .
       :in $ ?comp-domain ?comp-name
       (or-join [?eid]
                [?eid :company/name ?comp-name]
                [?eid :company/domain ?comp-domain])]
     db comp-domain (:company/name data)))
Would be equivalent to this:
(or (d/q '[:find ?eid .
       :in $ ?comp-domain ?comp-name
       [?eid :company/domain ?comp-domain]]
     db comp-domain))
     (d/q '[:find ?eid .
       :in $ ?comp-domain ?comp-name
       [?eid :company/name ?comp-name]]
     db (:company/name data))))
But it is not.


In the first query, you are getting all ?eid s because the or-join you specify does not unify with ?comp-name nor ?comp-domain. So, practically, the ?comp-domain/`?comp-name` in your :in clause are not the same as the ones you use in the or branches of your or-join


So your first query now says “Give me al entity ids of entities that have either a name, or a domain”, the bindings in your :in make no difference


If you change (or-join [?eid] ...) to (or-join [?eid ?comp-domain ?comp-name] ...), do you get what you want?

zilti 2020-10-09T23:00:49.427900Z

I'm trying...

zilti 2020-10-09T23:01:23.428100Z

Yes, that gives me an empty result, which is correct in this case

zilti 2020-10-09T23:02:41.428300Z

And it works for a valid binding too. Thanks! I misinterpreted how that first vector works in or-join, I thought that is to declare the common variable.

steveb8n 2020-10-09T23:03:47.429400Z

Q: what’s the best way to query for the most recently created entity (with other conditions) in Datalog?


It declares what variables from outside the or-join to unify with ^^

steveb8n 2020-10-09T23:04:22.429700Z

I can include a :where [?e :some/attr _ ?t] and then sort all results by ?t but it feels like there must be some way to use max to do this

zilti 2020-10-09T23:04:52.429900Z



Here are some interesting time rules: https://github.com/Datomic/day-of-datomic/blob/master/tutorial/time-rules.clj maybe that helps ^^

steveb8n 2020-10-09T23:06:02.430500Z

perfect! thank you 🙂


Not sure if your use is exactly in there, but I often use it as a reference if I want to find something history related 🙂

steveb8n 2020-10-09T23:08:47.430900Z

it’s a good start. I’ll be able to make it work from this


haha, teach a man to fish, and all 🙂

steveb8n 2020-10-09T23:09:37.431300Z

exactly. you supplied the bait