
Ask questions on the official Q&A site at https://ask.datomic.com!
joshkh 2020-10-26T12:59:37.171100Z

i have an HTTP Direct project setup behind an API Gateway, with a VPC Link resource/method configured to Use Proxy Integration. everything works fine. the proxy method request is configured to use AWS_IAM authorization which also works as expected. when i inspect a request that makes it through the gateway and to my project, i see all of the keys listed in the Web Ion table [1] except for two: datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/json and datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/data presumably these keys have the values i need to identify the requester's cognito identity, know about the gateway details etc. are they available when using HTTP Direct integration? [1] https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/ions/ions-reference.html#web-ion


Double checking here that the new forum is the ideal way to ask questions of this type: https://ask.datomic.com/index.php/476/how-to-use-import-cloud-to-import-cloud-data-locally

jaret 2020-10-26T17:12:10.173700Z

Ideal place! I think I added a potential answer to your question. I believe you're missing :proxy-port which you need when going through a proxy (i.e. client access)


Adding proxy-port moves me forward. I must have tried to add it before when my connection was down.

👍 1
joshkh 2020-10-26T17:33:28.175200Z

^ piggybacking on that question, is that also the ideal place for my question? i'm never quite sure where to post: slack, datomic forums, and i only just learned about http://ask.datomic.com

joshkh 2020-10-26T17:36:30.176500Z

public archives are ideal over slack's limited history. i'm just not sure which of the ones i listed get the most attention (sometimes feels like Slack to me)

marshall 2020-10-26T17:38:50.176800Z

datomic forums and/or ask.datomic are preferred

👍 1
jaret 2020-10-26T18:18:08.177200Z

in my dream world we would all feel the compulsion to cross post to ask/forums all of the great answers that get worked out here quickly in slack. 🙂

joshkh 2020-10-26T18:26:19.177400Z

agreed! and i'm happy to do that. but i wasn't sure of the level of tolerance for already answered questions getting posted to the forum... 'suppose Ask is a good place for that 🙂

jaret 2020-10-26T18:27:00.177700Z

My level of tolerance is infinite. We lose so much to slack archive 🙂

joshkh 2020-10-26T18:32:06.178Z

speaking of the forums, sometimes i find unanswered posts (including my own*) and wonder if we're opening the wrong kind of discussions to garner responses * https://forum.datomic.com/t/enumerated-values-in-tuples-are-only-eids/1644.

joshkh 2020-10-26T18:38:00.178400Z

it makes me wonder if no response (here in Slack or on the forums) means the question or topic is nonsense, with my full understanding that i'm noisy and ask some dumb questions from time to time 🙂

jaret 2020-10-26T19:24:05.178600Z

haha! No they aren't dumb questions. I just overlook some questions or need to check with the team for a better personal understanding. I look at this tomorrow and ask the team if I can't reason through it. Sorry for not responding on this post!

jaret 2020-10-26T19:26:54.178800Z

And just so I am clear, are you asking why ref's in tuples are EIDs? Trying to discern if you need a feature request or are questioning if this is useful/intended?

joshkh 2020-10-26T20:15:15.179Z

well, to me, pull is acting differently for references to idents than it is to references to the same idents within tuples, and the impact is on unification. when i pull a typical reference to an ident, i get back {:db/id 999 :db/ident :some/enumerated-value} which is perfect because that value doesn't have to exist or unify.. it's a pull, and i can return that value as-is. this entity might have some enumerated value, or not. but when i pull a reference to an ident within a tuple, i get back just the EID 999. then, to resolve its :db/ident, i have to unify in the constraints [?maybe-some-enumerated-value :db/ident ?ident which excludes any entities in the query that do not have a reference in a tuple to an enumerated value.

joshkh 2020-10-26T20:16:38.179200Z

so i'm wondering if that's by design, mostly because i ran into a use case where moving a reference to an ident into a tuple broke some logic based on pull 's usual behaviour of returning :db/idents