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jaret 2021-04-14T02:04:00.285300Z

I did not know that! Cool.

jaret 2021-04-14T02:06:21.285500Z

Yep you cannot do that on the same process. You can however make the choice independently per process. https://docs.datomic.com/on-prem/operation/valcache.html#vs-memcached

tatut 2021-04-14T12:29:09.287Z

has there been any news on cloud disaster recovery, the discussions donโ€™t seem active https://forum.datomic.com/t/cloud-backups-recovery/370/10 we currently have a hand rolled tx log backup/restore solution but itโ€™s a bit painful to maintain

kenny 2021-04-14T15:24:23.287200Z

Maybe you're aware already but there's a feature request on ask.datomic: https://ask.datomic.com/index.php/431/cloud-backup-and-recovery

kenny 2021-04-14T22:54:19.298300Z

The recommendation for enums in Datomic is to https://docs.datomic.com/cloud/schema/schema-modeling.html#enums. Using :db/ident as an enum value complicates the use with d/pull. Everywhere you pull an entity, you'll need to write code to deal with the nested enum entity. For example, say I have a :user/type enum that is defined as suggested by that doc (card one, ref attr). Anytime I pull my :user/type attribute, I need to write code to unnest the :user/type value.

(d/pull (d/db conn) '[:user/type] [:user/id "a"])
=> #:user{:type #:db{:id 87960930222153, :ident :user.type/a}}
How are folks dealing with this? Just always wrapping the d/pull return with something like (update :user/type :db/ident)? Perhaps always remembering to specify the pull pattern for all enum attributes as (:user/type :xform my-ns/get-db-ident), where my-ns/get-db-ident is just (def get-db-ident :db/ident)?

tatut 2021-04-15T08:18:18.304100Z

is walk so slow? Iโ€™ve used it heavily and never had it be a problem in my work loads


We had a specific usecase where we had very big resultsets (~150,000 entities + nesting). That's when we replaced the postwalk. Generally it's fine for sure.

๐Ÿ˜… 2
tatut 2021-04-15T12:36:13.304700Z

that is a big result, out of curiosity, how much was the difference between walk and xform with that result?


Unfortuinely I don't have exact numbers. We also optimised the query at that time.

kenny 2021-04-15T16:40:11.308Z

We also have very big query results.


To give a very rough idea about our postwalk approach vs a direct update fn;

  (do (map (fn [x] (update x :field :db/ident))
"Elapsed time: 0.093924 msecs"
=> nil
  (do (walk/postwalk (fn [x]
                       (if (and (map? x)
                             (:db/ident x))
                         (:db/ident x)
"Elapsed time: 552.667018 msecs"
=> nil
(corpus is a list of 150,000 maps btw)

๐Ÿ‘ 1
tatut 2021-04-16T05:58:23.313700Z

interesting, thanks

tatut 2021-04-16T05:58:43.313900Z

but isnโ€™t the first one not a good benchmark, as map returns lazy seq

๐Ÿ˜… 1

You're absolutely right. I knew something was up.


  (do (mapv (fn [x] (update x :field :db/ident))
"Elapsed time: 142.214586 msecs"
=> nil
For completionist sake:

kenny 2021-04-25T21:33:10.399600Z

Thought I'd persist this question on ask.datomic so others can reference it and add their opinion: https://ask.datomic.com/index.php/606/recommended-way-to-handle-db-ident-enums-when-used-with-pull

Tyler Nisonoff 2021-04-14T23:03:31.298400Z

one way i was doing this was to take my nested entity thats returned from the pull and then run it through a post-walk like so:

    #(match %
       {:db/ident ident} ident
       :else %)
if you know that all maps with db/ident are referencing enums you want to unwrap

๐Ÿ‘ 1
kenny 2021-04-14T23:14:27.298600Z

Oh, nice! That's a pretty heavy penalty to pay for using enums as idents though.