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kenny 2021-06-21T19:23:06.279300Z

The d/client API docs have the following statement: > Create a client for a Datomic system. This function does not communicate with a server and returns immediately. However, running a call to d/client seems to indicate this function does communicate with a server in some regard.

(d/client {:server-type :ion
             :system      "my-system"
             :endpoint    "<http://i-dont-exist.datomic.net:8182>"
             :region      "us-west-2"})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at datomic.client.impl.cloud/get-s3-auth-path (cloud.clj:179).
Unable to connect to <http://i-dont-exist.datomic.net:8182>
Given that, should the d/client docstring be updated to mention it does do some server communication?

kenny 2021-06-21T19:25:41.280Z

Also, should that function expose a :timeout option?