
#1 podcast focusing exclusively on Clojure and ClojureScript

Hi, I just want to say I like defn podcast so much. It fills the gap of the cognicast really well. And somehow I feel like the vegetarian joke is getting more and more funny overtime πŸ˜†


May I suggest a guest? I would love to hear an interview with James Reeves Would like to hear about his passion in Clojure, motivation for writing and maintaining a tons of clojure libraries and where does he get his time and power from


Thanks in advance!

vijaykiran 2016-10-11T07:15:42.000039Z

@tap Thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚

vijaykiran 2016-10-11T07:16:00.000040Z

I’m actively pursuing weavejester - Hopefully he’ll say yes soon!

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vijaykiran 2016-10-11T12:41:07.000041Z

@weavejester ^