
#1 podcast focusing exclusively on Clojure and ClojureScript
jsoo1 2017-02-19T00:01:28.000053Z

Just want to drop in and say thanks for the podcast!

🙂 1
jsoo1 2017-02-19T00:02:38.000054Z

and i have to agree that anglicization of names is just the worst and i thank you for bringing it up

raymcdermott 2017-02-19T07:14:25.000055Z

Thanks @jsoo1

raymcdermott 2017-02-19T07:15:10.000056Z

Naming is hard ;-)

raymcdermott 2017-02-19T07:23:08.000057Z

And it's not helped when white privilege collapses namespaces and mangles symbols

👍 1
raymcdermott 2017-02-19T07:29:12.000058Z

A flavour of the tech problem for is outlined in this W3C piece

raymcdermott 2017-02-19T23:23:12.000062Z

New episode with @thegeez posted to soundcloud and the other audio pipes

🦜 3
raymcdermott 2017-02-19T23:24:00.000063Z