
Devcards aims to provide a visual REPL experience for ClojureScript
jeremyraines 2015-11-04T17:02:40.000420Z

I’m trying to follow the devcards steps for use with figwheel, and I think I’m missing some knowledge about lein and/or cljsbuild. It doesn’t look like my devcards build actually happens (I don’t see the compiled js at the location specified in the devcards build map). Do you have to trigger that seperately from running lein-figwheel?

jannis 2015-11-04T18:06:11.000421Z

@jeremyraines: Is the code public?

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:06:30.000422Z

sure, I can push up the WIP right now

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:07:30.000423Z

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:08:39.000425Z

I’m just trying to take a bunch of tools and do the simplest possible thing with them, just to practice getting a project set up, and documenting it in a guide format as I go (not that I think i’m actually qualified to promote said guide as anything authoritative)

jannis 2015-11-04T18:09:43.000426Z

I see no start-devcard-ui! in cards.core. That might just be what's missing.

bhauman 2015-11-04T18:09:52.000427Z

Ok no

bhauman 2015-11-04T18:11:28.000428Z

@jeremyraines how are you trying to start figwheel and interact with the cards?

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:12:14.000429Z

I couldn’t see them getting compiled when I did lein figwheel, so right now I’m just using lein cljsbuild once

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:12:31.000430Z

i have figwheel running though

bhauman 2015-11-04T18:13:18.000431Z

So you are missing some basic knowledge about figwheel and builds in general

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:13:31.000432Z


bhauman 2015-11-04T18:13:44.000433Z

You will need to run lein figwheel devcards

bhauman 2015-11-04T18:13:58.000434Z

Specifying the build you want to build

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:14:21.000435Z


bhauman 2015-11-04T18:14:52.000436Z

The id of the devcards build will start the autobuilding of that build.

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:16:41.000437Z

got it. fixing my namespaces & doing that

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:17:54.000438Z

great. It’s working now, thank you. I still see that invariant violation in the console, but everything I expect to see in the UI is there

bhauman 2015-11-04T18:19:18.000440Z

So you are thrashing a bit. Please slow down and approach these tools more slowly and learn how to use them a least a little bit otherwise nothing is going to ever work for you. We'll be able to help you much better. Have you done the clojurescript Quick Start? Have you done the figwheel Quick Start?

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T18:46:27.000448Z

been a while on the former, and had been going along well with Figwheel for a while. Learning the tools “at least a little bit” is what I’m trying to do, but I’ll try to keep my questions to a minimum. There’s a lot of tools though, hence the thrashing. Takes some time to learn where the problem is coming from, even if you’re comfortable using the tool when everything’s working as expected.

bhauman 2015-11-04T19:42:52.000452Z

@jeremyraines: yeah, there are lots of assumptions in the docs. I'm psyched that you are hanging in there and giving things a try. Once you get going ClojureScript is the most fun you can have these days.

bhauman 2015-11-04T19:43:01.000453Z

on the front end anyway

bhauman 2015-11-04T19:43:16.000454Z

Clojure is pretty bad ass on the back end as well.

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T19:44:33.000455Z

yeah, I’m really excited. Apologies for getting a bit defensive — your advice is obviously sound.

bhauman 2015-11-04T19:45:35.000456Z

well I apologize for the comment with the RTFM subtext

jeremyraines 2015-11-04T19:46:23.000457Z

no problem. and thanks again for both your help and these great tools