@peeja: just making sure you saw this http://rigsomelight.com/devcards/#!/devdemos.css_opt_out
@bhauman: That's just about controlling Devcards' own CSS, no? I'm trying to figure out how to get my app's CSS to apply to the contents of my cards properly.
@peeja: hmmm, well just making sure that the styles from com-rigsomelight-devcards-addons-css
isn't getting in your way.
What I mean is that most of our styles are scoped, so they won't apply if the components aren't nested in a DOM they're expected to be in
@peeja: Can you post an example?
You know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this issue is in my head. I can't actually find an example that wouldn't work. :simple_smile:
So, never mind, then!
Awesome! That's always the best problem to have.