Hey there! I’m having trouble getting a hosted devcards website to work. I get the devcards UI but no namespaces are listed
I have a my-app.cards namespace with the following
(ns my-app.cards
(:require [devcards.core]))
(I had to add the asterisk, it isn’t in the tutorial)
I then do lein cljsbuild once hostedcards
and start a web server where my cards.html
is located. And then I get the devcards UI but no namespaces are listed. Everything is working fine with figwheel
I only have one namespace in the app, and in there, I have
(ns my-app.my-component
(:require [devcards.core])
(:require-macros [devcards.core :refer [defcard-ng]))
Okay, I figured it out - I need to refer to the namespaces with cards from my-app.cards
Figwheel did it automatically