Should it be possible, within the figwheel REPL, to swap the value of an atom and have an Om component reflect this in the UI?
@okal: is that not working for you
@meow Doesn’t seem to be, no. Might be doing something wrong though.
It’s possible that my component is wrongly structured, though.
If you call swap on it, the value is reflected when you print out the atom. But it doesn’t update in the UI. But again, it’s quite possible that I’m missing something obvious.
@okal: use om-root
or defcard-om
instead of defcard
+ om/build
Let me give that a shot. Thank you :simple_smile:
see for examples
@anmonteiro Works like a charm. Thank you.
Hi, just wanted to give the quick trial a go, but I am getting this on lein figwheel
Retrieving figwheel-sidecar/figwheel-sidecar/0.5.0-3/figwheel-sidecar-0.5.0-3.jar from clojars
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Could not locate cljs/analyzer__init.class or cljs/analyzer.clj on classpath: , compiling:(figwheel_sidecar/utils.clj:1:1)
shouldn't that analyzer namespace come bundled with clojurescript?
@gerrit: lein clean, use leiningen 2.5.3. This happens when you have competing versions of clojurescript.