Hello! Is it possible to setup my project in such a way that devcards are created alongside the rest of the application? I'd like to have a route "/devcards" that would serve a devcards.html where the devcards are mounted.
If I don't go to /devcards, the app will work normally
Looking at the devcards-template, I get the feeling that the intended workflow is that I start with lein figwheel devcards
if I want to use devcards, and then switch to lein figwheel dev
if I want to use the actual app.. but that can't be right
or maybe I'm supposed to do lein cljsbuild devcards once, figwheel dev
@kauko So figwheel can run two builds at once. lein figwheel dev cards
So you configure two builds
And run them at the same time
Hah, the man himself 😄 Ok :simple_smile:
What logic does devcards use for.. mounting itself? It feels like it just attaches itself to the page
I mean, I'm used to having a `<div id="app"></div>" somewhere, and then mounting the entry point there client-side
but it seems devcards doesn't need anything like that
just curious, that's all :simple_smile:
You need to have a separate html page to host the cards
And it creates a div to mount if it isn't there
Yeah, that's what I think I'm doing.. I mean, having a separate html page for it
I've been using clojure for a year now, but this is the first time I'm actually starting a project from scratch by myself, so I'm a bit lost still. but making progress! 😄
Woot, seems to work. Though the actual card doesn't show up. Should devcards work with Rum?
I would check to make sure you have everything setup correctly
Don't use rum to check.
Return a react element
Or just a cljs map
The most common mistake is not requiring the namespace with the cards in it.
let's see
Hmm, seems to work using the example from the github repo
the one that uses sablono and says how awesome devcards is 😉
You have to make sure that the rum expression is returning a react element.
(rum/defc input < rum/reactive [ref]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (rum/react ref)
:style {:width 100}
:on-change #(reset! ref (.. % -target -value))}])
(defcard (controls)))
The documentation for defc says: "Defc does couple of things:
1. Wraps body into sablono/compile-html
2. Generates render function from that
3. Takes render function and mixins, builds React class from them
4. Using that class, generates constructor fn [params]->ReactElement
5. Defines top-level var with provided name and assigns ctor to it
(defc name doc-string? [< mixins+]? [params*] render-body+)"That look right to you?
Could .cljc be the problem?
(ns frontendfi.views.controls
[rum.core :as rum])
[devcards.core :as dc :refer [defcard deftest]])))
This is my ns declarationOh I forgot to name the card! Maybe that's the problem
Nope.. hmm
UGH damn I feel so stupid now 😄 😄
Of course it doesn't work, I'm not mounting anything on the client side
All this time I've just been staring at the server-side rendered components that don't actually do anything, without realising I specifically disabled mounting the rum components so that I see the server-side rendering is working
So, the first thing you mentioned WAS the problem
glad you found it :simple_smile: there's ton of shit going on here
no need to feel stupid
Hmm, if I require devcards in the components file, what can I do to not include in a production build?
I defined devcards as a development dependency in my project.clj, but lein uberjar
fails now
I know I could define the cards in a separate file, and in a production build that file could be empty
but I feel like I'd prefer having the card definitions in the same file as the actual component
Hmm, I just noticed figwheel is not actually reloading the cards
for the normal app the reload works as expected