@bhauman: I'm trying to use Devcards with Rum+Carry, but the problem is that the card expects the initial data to be either an Atom, or a map. I'm trying to supply it a carry/EntangledReference
which is pretty much a read-only atom, but it does not accept it. Neither does it accept anything created by funcool/lentes
@kauko: wrap what you need in a map, and then unwrap it before providing using it
wrap it in an atom I mean
The data inspector does not work then
That is because of carry, not because of devcards
but I think it's possible to make devcards work with carry
don't really have any suggestions for you right now
Does the data-inspector really need an atom, or just something it can dereference?
or watch? Because both of those are implemented
good point, the atom test could just check for those, I'm pretty sure
If you want to take a stab at a PR, I'll look at it
The history thingy probably needs the state to be writable though, right?
But for that I could create a lense (I believe that's the term?) with lentes.
I'm pretty sure it keeps its own history of snapshots,
the history shouldn't be affected at all
as long as deref works
oh, cool!
I can try making a PR. That would actually be first ever OS contribution to Clojure, yikes 😄
nope sorry it does neet to be an atom for the history to work
It will take until next week though. I'm away for the rest of the week, we're celebrating midsummer here in Finland this weekend 🍻
if you search for atom in the devcards.core source
it will be helpful
but it might be more difficult than you think
and than I thought
yeah, the atom-like? function is already
(defn atom-like? [x] (and (satisfies? IWatchable x) (satisfies? IDeref x)))
so there are some other things going on