Am I right that CSS hot reload in devcards is not supported? It works fine for me in normal figwheel, but figwheel + devcards seems a no go
@tony.kay: Works for me with a new project from lein new devcards
Hm. I'm using sidecar. Maybe it isn't getting the config right from the project file
I'll hack the option in manually and see if that works
Hope you can get it working, it's terrible to have to work without it
thanks. I'm sure that's it
looks like with sidecar you have to add it in this way:
(reset! figwheel (component/system-map
:css-watcher (fig/css-watcher {:watch-paths ["resources/public/css"]})
:figwheel-system (fig/figwheel-system preferred-config)))
Yeah, that did it