@darwin: how have you been?
hi guys 😄
but the thing is when ever I refresh the browser
I have to run the same command to require devtools and install over again ?
Well, you could put it in your code, I suppose? Or am I misunderstanding something?
ah , yes xD
@meow: Hi Patrick, thanks, I have been working on Clojure(Script) projects :simple_smile: chromex in November, and started hacking on dirac in December
Dirac took more time than initially expected, but I think I will be able to release 0.1 later this week
@meow: What are you hacking on these days?
couple of things
and #C0J20813K
not writing code for those, just helping out
I used to be into 3D as well, actually I have masters in CS - computer graphics
wanted to do game dev
worked on Mafia2 PC game for couple of years
so braid-chat could be a new home for our slack community some day, I suppose :simple_smile:
@darwin: don't have time just now, but will be interested in getting dirac working with boot toolchain soon; I hope I can hassle you to get pointers how to do it then?
@jaen: thank you, I completely ditched Figwheel dependency and rewrote all for using nREPL, so there should be no lein specific bits now
I will provide docs for lein, but would be really glad for someone familiar with boot to write some tips for boot
Oooh, cool, then maybe it will be easy to get it working with boot ❤️
cljs-devtools saved me from grief countless times, I expect dirac to be the same.
we’ll see, haven’t used it personally much yet :simple_smile:
for me two major features: eval-ing in the context of paused debugger on selected stack frame
and second will be system-wide shortcut to focus repl prompt
Yeah, you can do simple thing writing Javascript on a breakpoint, but more complex expression? No dice.
So it'll certainly be helpful.
@darwin: guy looking for d3.js help over on #C0F0V8DT5 right now if you can help, plus we discuss lots of graphics issues there
heh, last time I used d3 was few years back with coffeescript: https://github.com/darwin/cmx.js
@jaredly: is into all things repl
I want to do some blockchain visualizations using d3.js some day, maybe I will write it in cljs :simple_smile:
you two should find much to discuss
come over to #C0F0V8DT5 to discuss further
sure, thanks