
Dirac v1.7.2 is out: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/releases/tag/v1.7.2
jaen 2016-01-14T16:51:18.000064Z

Started trying it out, first with the sample project, but lein dirac in the sample project complains about analyzer.clj not being on the path. Should I be running something else first (like lein deps)?

jaen 2016-01-14T17:39:32.000065Z

Couldn't get the demo project work

jaen 2016-01-14T17:39:37.000066Z

But my project works okay it seems.

jaen 2016-01-14T17:39:43.000067Z

Now off to play with it.

jaen 2016-01-14T17:41:53.000068Z

One thing I notice is I can't seem to dock the tools like I can do with those built-in into Chrome.

jaen 2016-01-14T17:45:32.000069Z

Out of curiosity, is completion something that is possible to implement?

jaen 2016-01-14T17:46:02.000070Z

I also get:

> (in-ns 'scrabble.frontend.synchronisation.core)
> db
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var scrabble.frontend.synchronisation.core/db at line 1 <dirac repl>
*value of datascript db*

jaen 2016-01-14T17:47:14.000073Z

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or does dirac not have enough compile-time information to tell it's valid.


@jaen: don’t know anything about analyzer.clj, maybe I’m missing some dependency there, but in my environ it gets included automatically for some reason


docking won’t work, that is a feature hard-coded into chrome to support integrated devtools


completion is definitely possible to implement, at least for javascript context it is already implemented, for cljs context it would need to talk to sone nREPL middleware which will provide the data


that code exists, but I haven’t looked into it yet

jaen 2016-01-14T22:12:47.000078Z

Gotcha. One more question - do you also observer the Clojure input in console taking more space than Javascript input?


you mean styling?


I observed broken styles when in “drawer” mode on Sources panel


it takes too much vertical space


also I observed “floating” of console content, like it would print with some styles and then after a moment some other styles were applied and text jumps slightly


it is a bit annoying


btw. are you on a Mac? I use SizeUp for window management and it is quite convenient to have devtools in a new window, then I can use my windowing keyboard shortcuts to arrange it


on screen

jaen 2016-01-14T22:17:53.000087Z

Mac? Nah, Arch Loonix.

jaen 2016-01-14T22:18:07.000088Z

> I observed broken styles when in “drawer” mode on Sources panel > it takes too much vertical space

jaen 2016-01-14T22:18:14.000089Z

Yeah, that would be how I would describe it.

jaen 2016-01-14T22:18:31.000090Z

And yes, it does also jump a bit when you evaluate something

jaen 2016-01-14T22:18:34.000091Z

And it wants to scroll


I will fix those css issues


just have to figure out what is going on there


btw: a protip: when you open Dirac extension options, you can switch opening mode to “window” and then you can have integrated devtools for inspection of dirac devtools app


handy if you wanted to inspect the html, code is compiled with advanced optimizations tough

jaen 2016-01-14T22:24:15.000096Z

But yeah, I use a tiling WM so I also just conveniently tiled it alongside the main window. It's just kind of my first reflex to dock it instead for some reason '

jaen 2016-01-14T22:24:25.000097Z

Also good to know re: being able to devtools the devtools.


it is “just” a webapp, which has web socket connection to chrome with open debugging protocol


it is also quite easy to use it from sources, you just point a static webserver to their sources directory and it works

jaen 2016-01-14T22:28:47.000100Z

Sources as in checkout the github repo, compile, serve and voila?


yep, in case of dirac, you just need to compile clojurescript sources as well, this is the script for static server I was using: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/blob/master/scripts/dev-server.sh and lein fig to get sources compiled (in dev mode)


in another words, you don’t have to mess with the Chrome Extension wrapper if you want to quickly hack on it in source form

jaen 2016-01-14T22:49:37.000104Z

Ah, I see. That seems to be pretty handy.