
Dirac v1.7.2 is out: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/releases/tag/v1.7.2
peeja 2016-01-19T15:26:33.000109Z

I'm looking over the Dirac readme and I'm psyched to try it out. Does it require Canary? The installation instructions refer to Canary, but it never explicitly calls it a requirement.

peeja 2016-01-19T15:26:50.000110Z

Oh, no, I guess it does…

peeja 2016-01-19T15:26:52.000111Z

> Please note that you should always use the latest Chrome Canary with Dirac DevTools to prevent any compatibility issues.

peeja 2016-01-19T15:26:55.000112Z


peeja 2016-01-19T15:29:58.000113Z

Is the plan to cut Dirac releases that are known to work with certain Chrome releases eventually? I'd rather not work in Canary, since it's safer to develop in a browser version people will actually use the site in. But I take it the features that enable Dirac are only in Canary for now?


@peeja: you can try it with your standard chrome, it is likely to work


the devtools debugging protocol is not changing that much and I think DevTools code can deal with older chrome gracefully - it is just easier for me to stay on devtools tip

peeja 2016-01-19T15:54:50.000117Z

@darwin: That's awesome, cheers!