I seem to be getting weird errors in dirac
It's telling me that devtools isn't installed
even though there's output saying "Installing devtools with features etc. etc."
there could be something wrong with my implementation of the check
so, you are seeing this message? https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/blob/master/src/implant/dirac/implant/eval.cljs#L88
does this return true, when you execute it in js console? devtools.dirac.installed_QMARK_()
ideally run it as soon as possible after you refresh the page (after you see the error message)
VM494:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'installed_QMARK_' of undefined(…)
so devtools.dirac is not present in your page
that means you don’t have it included for some reason
aren’t you in web worker context?
or iframe
or something like that
no, it should be required normally
do you have “devtools” namespace present?
I see the problem now
the unexpected identifier
was the stupidest thing ever.
// Compiled by ClojureScript 1.7.228 {}
Warning: environ value true has been cast to string
the environ warning caused a js syntax error
ah, ok, makes sense
Can't do a better reproduction right now, but maybe it's enough for you to go on off
Basically wanted to print out keys of datacript database and this happened.
this is definitely some problem when rendering custom formatter, not really dirac issue