@slotkenov Do you mind sharing how you configured? That's currently the next thing I'm working on incorporating.
ah yes of course, I totally forgot about it
After running that you need to start up a repl in a second terminal with boot repl -c
. In that repl then you need to call (dirac.agent/boot!)
to start the agent.
Couldn’t get it any nicer than that :simple_smile:
Let me know if it works for you as well @jupl
Cool! I'll give it a shot later.
So it looks like all loads. However, I don't get the REPL in the console.
@jupl: did you manage to make it work?
Not yet so far. Console mentioned below on Canary with the DevTools extension. I'll mess around with it later.
Installing Dirac Runtime v0.2.0 and enabling features :repl
I don't see the green colors like in the screenshots and if I try to eval an expression like (+ 1 2)
I get an error as that gets evaluated like JS.
@jupl: did you install the Dirac Chrome Extension?
do you see any errors on this page? <chrome://extensions/>
Yes and no.
so you confirm that you opened Dirac DevTools instead of normal DevTools, switched to console panel and switched to Dirac Prompt by PageUp or PageDown
The PageUp/Down was what I omitted.
yep, that is how you alternate between prompts
Is that in the documentation? I'm trying to see where I missed that.
Or is that a Chrome DevTools thing?
you are right, the documentation is not mentioning it ATM
it used to be there, but I split the docs and moved bunch of text into https://github.com/binaryage/dirac-sample
including this little detail 😉
Cool! Thank you all!
so you skipped dirac-sample, I will add a note about it at the end of the installation docs, so people should follow there
I skimmed it but I was I was working with Boot.
I skimmed it but didn't notice that part as I was working with Boot.
I think I would probably have gotten it as that was going to be my next step to see if I can replicate with the sample project.
Something interesting I'm observing.
In regular DevTools I can place breakpoints in the Chrome Debugger on any line with the original file via sourcemap.
In Dirac, however, not all line numbers are covered meaning I can't place breakpoints in certain places at the bottom.
@jupl: yes, I have seen that too. it seemed that just the line numbering is off, but breakpoints worked as normal
didn’t find the cause of this yet, will look into it later
Yeah it's no biggie since I just realized the breakpoint at the last line in the screenshot is a moot point.
Really cool! Thank you for the help.