
Dirac v1.7.2 is out: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/releases/tag/v1.7.2
giles 2016-08-25T06:23:23.001054Z

why do you say it looks like the dirac nrepl middleware doesn't connect to Weasel

giles 2016-08-25T06:24:59.001055Z

dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel | [NREPLTunnel#1] Enqueue message #0ce96e75 to be sent to a DevTools client via tunnel: | {:id "0ce96e75-1727-499d-955a-60d85ef62418", | :ns "cljs.user", | :op "bootstrap-info", | :session "6ecf7541-92aa-423e-9f15-34524f00cfd7", | :weasel-url "<ws://localhost:8232>"} dirac.lib.nrepl-tunnel-server | Sending message #0ce96e75 to client [WebSocketServerClient#2] dirac.nrepl.piggieback | eval-cljs (ns cljs.user (:require [cljs.repl :refer-macros (source doc find-doc apropos dir pst)])) dirac.nrepl.piggieback | eval-env {:context :expr, :locals {}, :ns {:name cljs.user}} dirac.lib.weasel-server | [WeaselREPLEnv#1] -evaluate called <cljs repl> 1 | goog.addDependency("base.js", ['goog'], []); | goog.addDependency("string/string.js", ['goog.string', 'goog.string.Unicode'], []); | goog.addDependency("object/object.js", ['goog.object'], []);

giles 2016-08-25T06:25:48.001056Z

it looks like weasel is carrying out the eval-cljs command from piggieback like it's supposed to

giles 2016-08-25T06:28:25.001057Z

WebSocketServerClient#2 is the client of WebSocketServer#2, which is the weasel server


@giles: I don’t have all the context in my head ATM, will have to look at the code, btw. this is the error branch you are hitting: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/blob/master/src/implant/dirac/implant/intercom.cljs#L289-L292


response from the bootstrap message sent from client to agent is somehow bad


@giles: I will be ready to assist you when you get back to it, with v0.6.4 we can also more easily debug DevTools frontend and enable rich debug logging there