Upgraded to 0.7.4, works like charm. But may I ask you about this note "Embedded DevTools merged“ in release notes? Does it mean, dirac could be embedded in the main window? If so, how I can achieve it?
Btw very impressed with dirac this makes debugging clojurescript effortless
the boot setup is extremely easy
How does this work btw with boot-cljs-repl? It seems to break it for me if they are both enabled
It works until I connect from emacs
I’m away, went to EuroClojure so I cannot help to troubleshoot it with you
@pepe “merged” as meaning "merged via git", has nothing to do with UI
read the FAQ: https://github.com/binaryage/dirac/blob/master/docs/faq.md#why-cant-i-dock-dirac-devtools-inside-my-chrome-window